Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650 | |||||||
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MS6 MS7 MS8 MS9 MS10 MS11 MS12
MS13 MS14 MS15 MS16 MS17 MS18 MS19
MS20 MS21 MS22 MS23 MS32 MS34 MS35 MS45 MS46 MS47
MS57 MS58 MS68 MS91 MS94 | |||||||
Bridwell MS 1 | |||||||
Title: [Biblia latina]. Origin: [England or Northern France: c. 1250]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 506 leaves. 20 x 14 cm. Double columns of 50 lines. Textblock: 14.5 x 9.5 cm. Full Description Top | |||||||
Bridwell MS 2 | |||||||
Title: [Missal].
Use of Rome Origin: [Italy: 14th century]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 193 leaves. 35 x 24 cm. Double column of 24 lines. Textblock: 21 x 16.5 cm. |
Bridwell MS 3 | |||||||
[Bulla. Epistolae et privilegium. "Quotiens illud a nobis"
]. Origin: [Ferentino, Italy: 11 January 1174]. Description: Manuscript on parchment. Broadside. 70 x 53 cm. Single column of 30 lines. Textblock: 42 x 45 cm. Seal missing. Full Description Top |
Bridwell MS 4 | |||||||
Author: Ugolino Verino. Title:Vita di Santa Chiara vergine. Language: Italian. Origin: Florence, Italy: 1496. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 39 leaves. 21 x 13 cm. Single column of 19 lines. Textblock: 14 x 8.5 cm. |
Bridwell MS 5 | |||||||
Author: Pseudo-Eusebius of Cremona and Pseudo-Augustine. Title: Epistola ad Damasum et Theodorum Senatorem de morte Hieronimi. Bound with: In vita Hieronimi presbiteri and Pseudo-Augustine. De admonitione ad comitem Aurelianum. Origin: [Zadar, Croatia], 18 November 1469. Description: Manuscript on paper. 86 leaves. 21.4 x 14.5 cm. Single column of 27 lines. Textblock: 15 x 9 cm. |
Bridwell MS 6 | |||||||
Title: [Biblia latina]. Origin: [Paris: c. 1250]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 613 leaves. 18 x 11 cm. Double columns of 42 lines. Textblock: 12.5 x 8.5 cm. |
Bridwell MS 7 | |||||||
Title: [Wycliffite New Testament]. Origin: [England: c. 1400]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 164 leaves. 27 x 19 cm. Double columns of 43 lines. Textblock: 21 x 13.5 cm. |
Bridwell MS 8 | |||||||
Title: [Missal]. Use of Sarum. Origin: [Salisbury, England: c.1418]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 253 leaves. 45 x 33 cm. Double columns of 39 lines. Textblock: 34 x 21cm. |
Bridwell MS 9 | |||||||
[Book of Hours]. Use of Sarum. Origin: [Flanders (Ghent?): c. 1420]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 160 leaves. 18.5 x 12.8 cm. Single column of 16 lines. 10.5 x 6.5 cm. |
Bridwell MS 10 | |||||||
[Gradual]. Origin: [Spain: c.1600]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. [194 leaves]. 52 x 36 cm. Single column of 6 staves with musical notation. Textblock: 44 x 26.5 cm. |
Bridwell MS 11 | |||||||
Title: [Antiphonal]. Origin: [Spain: 17th century]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 128 leaves. 53 x 37 cm. Single column of 5 staves. Textblock: 46.5 x 23 cm. |
Bridwell MS 12 | |||||||
Title: [Lectionary]. Language: Greek. Origin: [Byzantium: c. 1150]. Description: Manuscript on parchment. 18 leaves. 34 x 26 cm. Double columns of 20 lines. Textblock: 19.5 x 15 cm. |
Bridwell MS 13 | |||||||
Title: [Book of Hours]. Use of Sarum. Origin: [France, St. Omer?: c.1330]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 164 leaves. 10 x 6 cm. Single column of 15 lines. Textblock: 5.5 x 3.7 cm. |
Bridwell MS 14 | |||||||
Title: [Book of Hours].Use of Rome.
Origin: [Florence or Fiesole, Italy, c.1470]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 198 leaves. 13 x 9 cm. Single column of 13 lines. Textblock: 6.4 x 4.8 cm. |
Title: [Book of Hours].Use of Troyes(?).
Origin: [France (Burgundy-Champagne): c. 1480]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 125 leaves. 18 x 13 cm. Single column of 20 lines. Textblock: 12.5 x 6.7 cm. |
Bridwell MS 16 | |||||||
Title: [Book of Hours]. Use of Rome. Origin: [Flanders: c. 1525]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 210 leaves. 22 x 15 cm. Double columns of 62 lines. Textblock: 10.5 x 9.3 cm. |
Bridwell MS 17 | |||||||
Title: [Missal]. Dominican Use. Origin: [Bohemia: c.1380]. Description: Manuscript on parchment. 167 leaves. 14 x 10 cm. Double columns of 37 lines. Textblock: 10.3 x 7 cm. |
Bridwell MS 18 | |||||||
Title: [Book of
Hours]. Use of Troyes. Origin: [France: c.1400 ]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 112 leaves. 17 x 12 cm. Single column of 16 lines. Textblock: 10.5 x 7.4 cm. Imperfect. |
Bridwell MS 19 | |||||||
Title: [Breviary]. Use of Rome. Origin: [Northern Italy: 15th century ]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 264 leaves. 12 x 9 cm. Double columns of eight staves. Textblock: 7 x 5 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 20 | |||||||
Title: [Canticum canticorum.] Language: Dutch. Origin: [Netherlands: 15th century]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on paper. 159 leaves. 21 x 15 cm. Textblock: 15.2 x 11 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 21 | |||||||
Origin: [Northern Italy: After 1431]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 477 leaves. 12 x 8 cm. Double columns of 33 lines. Textblock: 9.3 x 6 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 22 | |||||||
Title: [Lilium medicinae]. Language: Hebrew. Origin:Escalona, Spain, 11 January 1466. Description: Manuscript on paper. 243 leaves. 18 x 13 cm. Single column of 27 to 29 long lines. Textblock: 16 x 10.5 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 23 | |||||||
Language: English. Origin: [England: 17th century]. Description: Manuscript on paper. 76 leaves. 19 x 15 cm. Single column of 33 lines. Textblock: 15.2 x 11 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 32 | |||||||
Language: Dutch. Origin: [Netherlands: c.1500]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on vellum. 81 leaves. 14 x 10 cm. Single column of 24 lines. Textblock: 8.5 x 6 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 34 | |||||||
Title: Apologia Marsilij Ficini pro multis florentinis ab antichristo Hieronimo Ferrariense, hypocritar[um] summo deceptis: ad collegiu[m] Cardinalium. Origin: [Italy: 1498]. Description: Manuscript on paper. 4 leaves. 20.6 x 14.4 cm. Single column 32 lines. Textblock: 18.3 x 11 cm. |
Bridwell MS 35 | |||||||
Origin: [Northern France?: c. 1225]. Description: Decorated manuscript on parchment. 210 leaves. 22 x 15 cm. Double columns of 62 lines. Textblock: 10.5 x 9.3 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 45 | |||||||
Title:[Convenience]. Language: Spanish. Origin: Jerez, Spain: 1510. Description: Manuscript on parchment. 1 leaf. Complete. 24 x 30 cm. Single column of 10 lines. Textblock: 5 x 23.5 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 46 | |||||||
Title: [Carta executoria]. Language: Spanish. Origin: Ciudad Rodrigo, Spain: 1567. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 54 leaves. 35 x 25 cm. Single column of 38 lines. Textblock: 21 x 13 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 47 | |||||||
Title: [Carta executoria].
Language: Spanish. Origin: Calcada, Spain: 1552. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 18 leaves. 32 x 24 cm. Single column of 40 lines. Textblock: 21.5 x 15 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 57 | |||||||
Title: [Chronicle
of England]. Language: English. Origin: [London: c. 1650]. Description: Manuscript on parchment. 108 leaves. 35 x 25 cm. Quadruple columns of a varying number of lines. Final column of 50 lines. Textblock: 29 x 22.5. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 58 | |||||||
[Feast of St. Aphrodisius]. [Die
XXVIII. Aprilis Festum S. Aphrodisii primi Episcopi Bilterrensis martyris &
civitatis patroni]. Origin: [Béziers: after 1622]. Description: Manuscript on paper. 216 pages. 22 x 13 cm. Single column of 19 lines. Single column of six staves. Textblock: 14.5 x 9 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 68 | |||||||
Author: St. Antoninus Florentinus (1389-1459), Archbishop of Florence. Title: [Confessionale: Defecerunt scrutantes scrutino]. Origin: [Italy: c.1460]. Description: Manuscript on parchment. 204 leaves. 15 x 10 cm. Single column of 24 lines. Textblock: 8.5 x 7 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 91 | |||||||
Title: [Nun's
prayerbook]. Language: German. Origin: [Germany: c.1475]. Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 185 leaves. 8 x 6.5 cm. Single column of 10-12 lines. Textblock: 5 x 3 cm. Full Description |
Bridwell MS 94 | |||||||
Author: Petrus, von Rosenheim, ca. 1380-1433
Title: Roseum memoriale. Origin: [Southern Netherlands?, 1460]. Description: Manuscript on paper. 79 leaves. 25 x 13 cm. Single column of 18 lines. Textblock: 13 x 9.5 cm. Full Description |
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This page last updated on 07/08/2013 20:42:03 Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD |