Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650
Bridwell MS 17 [Missal]
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[Missal], ff. 91
Title: [Missal]. Dominican Use.
Origin: [Bohemia: c.1380].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 167 leaves. 14 x 10 cm. Double columns of 37 lines. Textblock: 10.3 x 7 cm.
Binding: Seventeenth-century brown leather with gilt red morocco spine label.
Comments: Written in gothic script in black, red, and blue ink, includes musical staves. The conspicuous inclusion of several Bohemian saints in the calendar localizes this small codex, perhaps to the vicinity of Prague: St. Adalbert of Prague (April 24), St. Procopius (possibly the abbot of St. John the Baptist at Prague) (July 8), St. Illdus (June 5), and St. Austremonius (Nov. 7), both bishops from Bohemia, as well as St. Wenceslaus, Duke of Bohemia (September 28).
Decoration: Lombard initials in red, blue, with red, blue, and purple filigree.
Provenance: (1) Lathrop Harper, 1954. (2) Dr. Lyle Sellers, Dallas, 1949-1964. (3) Baylor University Medical Center Library, Dallas, 1964-2001. (4) Long term deposit at Bridwell Library, Dallas, 2001.


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[Missal], Music f 71v., Detail

[Missal], Music ff. 70r-71v.

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This page last updated on 11/09/2010 22:12:12

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
Eric White, PhD
Photography: Hillsman Jackson, Paul Everitt, Jon Speck, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch and John McQuillen
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