Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650
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 MS36  MS38  MS39  MS40 MS 64 MS 65 MS67 MS 69 MS 70 MS 71 MS72 MS 78 MS 95
All Manuscripts are in Latin unless otherwise noted

Bridwell MS 36

[In Evangelium Iohannis tractatus]. Fragment.

Author: Saint Augustine of Hippo.
Title: [In Evangelium Iohannis tractatus]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: c.1150].
Description: Illuminated manuscript fragment on parchment. 1 leaf. 43.4 x 29.7 cm. Double columns of 44 lines. Textblock: 31.5 x 21.5 cm.

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Bridwell MS 38


Title: [Homiliary]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: c.1150].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 8 leaves. 32 x 24 cm. Double columns of 30 lines. Textblock: 24.2 x 16.5 cm.

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Bridwell MS 39


Title: [Antiphonary]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: c.1450].
Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 1 leaf. 37 x 25.5 cm. Single column of 6 red 4-line staves. Textblock: 24.5 x 16cm.


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Bridwell MS 40


Title: [Gradual]. Use of Rome. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: c.1100].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 2 fragments of leaves. 31 x 19.5; 31 x 28.5 cm. Double columns of 30 lines. Textblock: 29 x 18 cm.


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Bridwell MS 64

[Biblia latina]
Title: [Biblia latina]. Fragment.
Origin: [Parisian, from St. Albans Abbey: c.1325].
Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 1 leaf. 29 x 20 cm. 2 columns of 46 lines; lightly ruled. Gilt bar extension between columns.


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Bridwell MS 65

Title: [Homiliary]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy?: c.1350].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 1 leaf. 430 x 80 cm. Two columns of 45 lines.


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Bridwell MS 67


Title: [Gradual]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: c. 1450]
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 2 leaves. 36 x 50 cm. Single column with text and musical notation on 6 red 4 line staves.

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Bridwell MS 69

[Biblia Latina]
Title: [Biblia latina]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: 13th cent.].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. [4 leaves]. 16 x 10 cm. Two columns of 50 lines, lightly ruled. Written in Gothic script in brown ink; headings and chapter numbers in red and blue; filigree extensions around initials in purple and red.


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Bridwell MS 70

Title: [Unknown]. Fragment.
Origin: [Netherlands: 15th cent.].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 1 leaf. 29 x 20 cm. 8 small fragments. 2 columns, lightly ruled


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Bridwell MS 71

Title: [Missal?]. Fragment.
Origin: [Italy: c. 1275].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 2 leaves. 33 x 24 cm.


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Bridwell MS 72


Title: [Register].
Language: French.
Origin: [France: 17th century].
Description: Manuscript on parchment. 24 leaves. 30 x 29 cm. Single column of 24 lines. Textblock: 24 x 23 cm.

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Bridwell MS 78

[Biblia latina]
Title: [Biblia latina]. Fragment.
Origin: [France or England: c.1275].
Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 1 leaf. 18 x 25 cm. Two columns of text written in 40 lines.


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Bridwell MS 95

[Poetry. Old French ]

Author:  Undetermined
Title: [Poetry. Old French]. Fragment
Origin: [Northern France, c14th century?].
Description: Manuscript on vellum. 1 leaf. 16 x 10 cm. Single column of 29 lines. 

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This page last updated on 11/09/2010 22:11:49

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
Eric White, PhD
with Katie Wright
Photography: Hillsman Jackson, Paul Everitt, Jon Speck, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch and John McQuillen
Web Design: Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD with Katie Wright
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