Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650
Bridwell MS 5 Pseudo-Eusebius of Cremona, et al.
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Epistola, f.1r

1. Pseudo-Eusebius of Cremona (12th century).
Epistola ad Damasum et Theodorum Senatorem de morte Hieronimi (ff. 1-38v).
2. Nicholas Maniacoria (12th century). In vita Hieronimi presbiteri [unattributed by the scribe], (ff. 39-53v).
3. St. Paulinus of Aquileia (8th century). De admonitione ad comitem Aurelianum [attributed to St. Augustine by the scribe], (ff. 54-86r).
Origin: [Zadar, Croatia], written by Crisogonus de Nassis, of Zadar, son of Raphael de Nassis, dated 18 November 1469 and 10 December 1469.
Description: Manuscript on paper. 86 leaves. 21.4 x 14.5 cm. Single column of 27 lines. Textblock: 15 x 9 cm.
Binding: Bound by Sir Edward Sullivan in green Levant morocco inlaid with red, pale green, and cream morocco and richly gilt with flowers and leaves. Signed on pallet "E.S. Aurifex" [Sir Edward Sullivan].
Comments: The Pseudo-Eusebian letter to Pope Damasus and Senator Theodore, describing St. Jerome’s death, probably dates from the twelfth century and is possibly Cistercian (cf. BHL 3866; Cavallera II, 144-145). The second work is a series of biographical notices on St. Jerome compiled by the twelfth-century Cistercian Nicholas Maniacoria (cf. BHL 873; Cavallera II, 143-144). The colophon following this second work is signed and dated 18 November 1469. The third work, De admonitione ad comitem Aurelianum, is attributed by the scribe to St. Augustine, but it was written in the 8th century by St. Paulinus of Aquileia; its colophon is signed and dated 10 December 1469.
Decoration: Rubricated throughout. Folio 1r has red ornamental initial and the coat of arms of Crisogonus de Nassis painted in red and black, with the initials "CN."

Provenance: (1) Crisogonus de Nassis, (fl. 1469-?), Zadar, Croatia. (2) Library of Sir Edward Sullivan, c. 1900. (3) Library of H.J.B. Clements, Esq., Killadoon, Kildare County. (4) Sold by Colonel H.T.W. Clements at Sotheby’s (London), 1 November 1966, Lot 1131 (5) Purchased by  Thorp. (6) Sold by Colin & Charlotte Franklin (Culham, near Oxford) to Bridwell Library, July, 1985.


Colophon, f. 86r (click image for enlargement)

De admonitione ad comitem Aurelianum, ff. 55v-56r.

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Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
Eric White, PhD
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