Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650
Bridwell MS 8 [Missal]
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[Missal], f. 7r.  

Title: [Missal]. Use of Sarum.
Origin: [Salisbury, England: c.1418].
Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 253 leaves. 45 x 33 cm. Double columns of 39 lines. Textblock: 34 x 21cm.
Binding: Bound in blind-tooled brown goatskin, signed: Bound by Riviere.
Comments: Written in a Gothic hand in black and red ink, with musical notation. Illuminated throughout. The Missal could not made before 1416, because the Sanctorale includes offices for Saint David of Wales (March 1, f. 184r.), Saint Chad (March 2, f. 184v.), Saint John of Beverley (May 7, f. 190r.), and Saint Winifred (November 3, f. 223r.). Nineteenth-century description of potential fifteenth-century provenance, ascribing production to Archbishop Henry Chichele and ownership to the Chichele and Darrell families, joined by marriage in 1418.
Decoration: Two historiated initials of a kneeling priest lifting up his soul to God ("Ad te levavi animam meam," f. 7r) and of the Sacrifice of Isaac ("Te igitur" -- Canon of the Mass, f. 113r). These pages have elaborately illuminated full borders and nearly every remaining page has foliate decoration in violet, green, orange, and blue, illuminated with gold leaf. Many large initials are painted on gold grounds, and many smaller initials in blue and gold have red and violet pen work extensions. Twenty–eight modern leaves, including six leaves of the Calendar and twenty-two intermittent leaves of the text, reproduced by F. C. Husenbeth, c. 1840.
Provenance: (1) Archbishop Henry Chichele (?). (2) Florence Chichele and John Darrell (married 1418), according to a note by Husenbeth. (3) F.C. Husenbeth, 1837. (4) Norwich, Husenbeth collection, 1873. (5) Cardinal John Virtue (d. 1900). (6) Catholic Episcopal Library of Portsmouth Cathedral (Virtue and Cahill Library) (c.1900-1967). (7) Christie's (London) 5 July 1967, lot .  (8) Frank Hammond 1967-1969? (9) John Howell's Bookstore, San Francisco -1969. (10) Elizabeth Perkins Prothro, Wichita Falls, 1969- 1996. 11) Gift to Bridwell Library by Elizabeth Perkins Prothro, 1996.

Scott, Kathleen L.  Later Gothic manuscripts, 1390-1490. A Survey of Manuscripts Illuminated in the British Isles, vol. 6. (London: Harvey Miller, 1996).

Gothic and Renaissance Manuscripts from Texas Collections. Austin: University of Texas, 1971.

Haluska-Rausch, Elizabeth with contributions by Eric White. The Elizabeth Perkins Prothro Collection at Bridwell Library, 1996-2006. Bridwell Library, 2006.

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This page last updated on 07/08/2013 20:42:29

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
Eric White, PhD
Photography: Hillsman Jackson, Paul Everitt, Jon Speck, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch and John McQuillen
Web Design: Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
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