Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650
Bridwell MS 10 [Gradual]
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[Gradual], f. 10r.

Title: [Gradual].
Origin: [Spain:  c.1550].
Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. [194 leaves]. 52 x 36 cm. Single column of 6 staves with musical notation. Textblock: 44 x 26.5 cm.
Binding: Formerly bound in leather over wooden boards with brass bosses, metal reinforcements, and iron hook clasps (rebound by Jan Sobota in modern leather using original bosses, etc., 2009).
Comments: This large codex is written in a late gothic script in black and red ink. The lower board of the cover bears a paste-down made from a limp-vellum binding inscribed “Historia de Carlos V” on its spine, and probably belonged to a late sixteenth-century edition of Juan Gin
és de Sepúlveda’s life of the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1500-1558), compiled before 1573.
Decoration: Fine large red and blue versal initials with elaborate filigree and bar extensions in red, blue, and purple inks; some capitals in cursive black with yellow added; ff. 57r and 73v have illuminated floral borders with gold, blue, purple, orange, and green flowers; initial on f. 57r has been removed and replaced by a later painted initial; initial "S" on f. 73v is illuminated with gold leaf and purple, blue, orange, and green paint, with white pen work highlights.
Provenance: (1) Inscriptions in Spanish (2) Anonymous gift.


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This page last updated on 11/09/2010 22:12:02

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
Eric White, PhD
Photography: Hillsman Jackson, Paul Everitt, Jon Speck, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch and John McQuillen
Web Design: Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
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