Western Manuscripts at Bridwell Library to 1650
Bridwell MS 91 [Nun's prayerbook]
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[Nun's prayerbook], ff. 31v-32r.
Title: [Nun's prayerbook].
Language: German.
Origin: [Germany: c.1475].
Description: Illuminated manuscript on parchment. 185 leaves. 8 x 6.5 cm. Single column of 10-12 lines. Textblock:   5 x 3  cm.
Binding: 15th-century blind-stamped calf, brass corner and center- pieces, with one clasp.
Comments: This tiny prayerbook was written for the use of nuns. Written in an informal gothic script in brown ink in a single column. The prayers are in a German dialect, possibly a dialect of central Bavaria known as "Ostoberdeustsch". Front pastedown is a fragment from a Latin manuscript, the last leaf of the manuscript is pasted down. Not ruled. The prayers for individual saints include prayers for two German saints especially venerated in the South, Saint Leonard and Saint Odilia. St. Ursula, popular in the Rhineland is absent.
Decoration: Rubricated throughout, index in red (ff.1-6). Decorated initials throughout, one blue initial on a gold ground with green floral marginal extenders, other initials in ink, with red decoration. Illuminations of St. Sebastian (f. 153v) and St. Catherine of Alexandria (f. 176v).
Provenance: (1)Les Enluminures, Ltd. (2) Purchased by Bridwell Library, April, 2005.


Additional Images

[Nun's Prayerbook], Saint Catherine, f.176v.

[Nun's prayerbook], ff. 31v-32r.

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This page last updated on 11/03/2015 20:07:41

Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch, PhD
Eric White, PhD
Photography: Hillsman Jackson, Paul Everitt, Jon Speck, Elizabeth Haluska-Rausch and John McQuillen
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