Page 3 - OIT 2015 Progress Report
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2015 was a year filled with celebrations, opportunities and change for the SMU Community. Together we celebrated our centennial anniversary, an enormously successful capital campaign, new inroads in academic research, and the opening of several new buildings on campus. We were also challenged to become more fiscally disciplined as an institution through the efforts of the Operational Excellence for the Second Century (OE2C) initiative.
The Office of Information Technology was heavily involved and likewise challenged throughout these various initiatives. Our organization has grown as a result of Shared Services, bringing together IT personnel from across campus. In addition, the University made the strategic organizational change resulting in the CIO reporting directly to the President. Since this position is responsible for meeting both SMU’s operational and academic technology needs, this change allows the CIO to balance both perspectives. New governance councils were established to help guide IT in aligning priorities and serving the campus community.
As we enter 2016, there is still a lot of work to be done in our transformation to Shared CIO
Services. We look forward to implementing new services to facilitate collaboration and communication, enhancing classroom instruction and research efforts through the new academic department and councils, and continually improving as an organization to best serve our campus community.
Joe Gargiulo
Chief Information Officer
Joe Gargiulo began his career at SMU in 1998 and has served as SMU’s Chief Information Officer since 2008. Throughout his
employment, he has seen the University’s technology requirements evolve and grow significantly. This past year has been an especially
transformative one for OIT and the University at large. As part of the OE2C initiative, Joe led the department through a consolidation
and streamlining process that allowed OIT to become even more agile and responsive to the University community.
Looking ahead, Joe expects to continue the trajectory towards an IT organization that continues to support its University far into the

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