Honorary Degrees
1918 - Present

The Process of Conferring an Honorary Degree

The Honorary Degrees Committee recommends nominees for Honorary Degrees to the Faculty Senate. The membership of the committee shall not be announced publicly. Communication to it shall be made through the Secretary of the Faculty Senate.

The Secretary of the Faculty Senate on behalf of the Committee shall seek nominations from all segments of the University - students, faculty, administration, trustees, alumni. The Secretary shall do this, formally and annually, by written communication to the members or elected offices of each segment and, if possible, by public announcement in appropriate places. All nominations made to the Committee shall be seriously considered if accompanied by sufficient supporting data. The identity of nominators shall not normally be conveyed to the members of the Committee.

The Committee shall not rely merely on recommendations made to it but shall seek energetically on its own to find names of persons deserving honor from the University. The Committee shall be guided in its decisions by the Statement of Policy adopted by the Faculty Senate.

The Affirmative votes of six members are required for the nomination of Honorary Degrees to be submitted to the Senate.