Honorary Degrees
1918 - Present

Elizabeth M. (Liza) Lee 
Doctor of Humane Letters  2005
Status: conferred

Elizabeth M. (Liza) Lee is a national leader in the education of girls and young women. As Eugene McDermott Headmistress of The Hockaday School in Dallas from 1989 to 2004, Lee led the school's advancement as one of the best private pre-college schools in the nation and established a model for the elevation of quality in education at schools for girls. Achievements during her tenure at Hockaday include a successful capital campaign that greatly increased the endowment, addition of several new buildings, revolutionary changes in math and science curricula, and a significant increase in student diversity. She has encouraged and inspired young women to transcend gender-defined social roles in charting their future. Her leadership includes presidency of the National Association of Principals of Schools for Girls and the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest. Since retiring from Hockaday last year, Lee has served as executive director of the Foundation for the Education of Young Women and assisted the Dallas Independent School District in establishing the Irma Rangel Young Women's Leadership School. For her leadership of local education institutions and the national education community, her efforts to empower girls and young women, and her advancement of women's rights and progress, Southern Methodist University is honored to confer upon Elizabeth M. (Liza) Lee the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.