Ora Nixon Arnold
Doctor of Laws 1929
Status: conferred
Mrs. George F. Arnold, founder of the Arnold School of Governement at Southern Methodist University, is one woman who does not favor the participation of women in practical politics. Although she is in favor of training young men for such places.
Mrs. Arnold, whose home is in Houston, recently received the honorary degree of doctor of laws from S.M.U. She has endowed the school of government with $120,000 since she founded it in January, 1924.
The Aronld School of Government has two professors, H. H. Guice. head of the department, and S.D. Myers, assistant. Seven courses are taught to an average of 150 students each term.
The M.A. degrees will be conferred on government students in June, making a total of nine such degrees since the actual opening of the school in September, 1925. Three B. A. degree will also be conferred in June, in addition to others to be given in August which will make a total of over twenty. The fellowships value 750 each are awarded each year to government students by Mrs. Arnold.