Page 15 - OIT 2015 Progress Report
P. 15

As SMU works to align itself for future efficiency and growth, Information Technology Shared Services brings together the knowledge and expertise of IT personnel from across campus. This allows a unified OIT to work together towards enhanced service to the SMU community through process efficiencies, collaboration and innovation.
There are several steps in the transition to this new operating model: establishing the new teams and responsibilities, establishing the governance committees, transitioning processes and services, and unifying IT infrastructure services.
Everyone moving into OIT as part of this initiative had the opportunity to explore various roles and responsibilities. As the teams were assembled, transition plans for each individual and their previous responsibilities were developed. Several open positions were also assigned to the appropriate team and the recruiting process began. Although we are still working to fill a few remaining open positions, the team structure and roles are well established.
The Academic and Leadership Governance bodies were established and have begun meeting regularly. Internally, OIT has begun integrating the governance model into our existing portfolio management and project management process. In order to mature as an organization in the role of project management, a project management office was established. This year, we look forward to continued growth and maturity working with a governance framework and delivering well executed projects for the campus.
In order to streamline the service experience and maximize our resource efforts, we were asked to unify the network and server infrastructure. We began those efforts working with the Cox School of Business. Significant progress was made during 2015 and the remaining work will complete early this year. We will then engage the Lyle School of Engineering and Dedman School of Law to begin their transition. The unification should be completed by the end of this calendar year.
Although there is still a significant amount of work to be done in the formation of this new organization, we begin this year operating as a new team in our new Shared Services model. We are committed to monitoring and adapting our organization as needed to best support the campus community and support SMU’s strategic plan.

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