TO: SMU Campus Community
SMU Supporters
FROM: David Miller, Chair, SMU Board of Trustees;
Co-chair SMU Presidential Search Committee
Richard Templeton, Vice Chair, SMU Board of Trustees;
Co-chair SMU Presidential Search Committee
SUBJECT: Presidential Search Process
DATE: August 22, 2024

All of those who support SMU and its mission owe a profound debt of gratitude for the decades of leadership provided by SMU President R. Gerald Turner, ably aided by Gail Oliver Turner. As you know, yesterday Dr. Turner informed the Mustang nation that he plans to transition to the position of President Emeritus at the end of the 2024-25 academic year.

As stated in SMU's bylaws, under these circumstances the Board is charged with creating a presidential search committee. As defined in the bylaws, the members of the committee comprise a wide representation of university stakeholders. Upon notification by Dr. Turner of his intent, the Trusteeship Committee of the Board formed such a committee, which has met and selected the nationally known search firm Isaacson, Miller to lead the search process. An important part of this process is listening to the perspectives of all Mustangs as we select our next President. To facilitate this dialogue, a website has been created to accept nominations and comments. You can see the composition of the search committee and make your thoughts known by accessing the website here:

Our university has benefited greatly from the remarkable leadership of Dr. Turner over the past three decades. There will be strong desire by many to express their deep gratitude to Gerald and Gail for the transformative era at SMU that they have led. It is Gerald’s wish, which has the full support of the Board of Trustees, to keep the focus on the work in front us for the 24-25 academic year. At the completion of the academic year we'll have many opportunities to thank the Turners for their years of service.

Thank you for what you continue to do to support SMU on a daily basis.

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