IAAP 2.o
Inventory of Approved Academic Programs


Dedman College

Aerospace Studies: Air Force ROTC Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Aerospace Studies AERO Subject 14.0201
Aerospace, Aeronautical, and Astronautical/Space Engineering, General

Air Sciences

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Air Sciences ASCI Subject

Anthropology Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Anthropology ANTH Subject 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Anthropology - BA ANTH-BA Major UG BA 120 45.0201
Anthropology, General

Anthropology - BS ANTH-BS Major UG BS 120 45.0201
Anthropology, General

Anthropology - PMJ ANTH-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Anthropology: Archeologic - MN
Anthropology: Archeological
ANTHAR-MN Minor UG 15 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Anthropology: Biomedical - MN ANTHBM-MN Minor UG 18 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Anthropology: Cultural - MN ANTHCL-MN Minor UG 15 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Anthropology: General - MN ANTHGN-MN Minor UG 15 45.0201
Anthropology, General
  Anthropology: Physical - MN ANTHPH-MN Minor UG 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Environmental Anthropolog - MN
Environmental Anthropology
ENVANTH-MN Minor UG 15 45.0201
Anthropology, General
Health and Society - BA HLTHSOC-BA Major UG BA 120 51.9999
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

Fall 2014
Health and Society - BS HLTHSOC-BS Major UG BS 120 51.9999
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other

Fall 2014
Health and Society - PMJ HLTHSO-PMJ Pre-Major UG 51.9999
Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
Fall 2014
  Urban Studies - MN URB-MN Minor UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Anthropology - MA ANTH-MA Major GR MA 36 45.0201
Anthropology, General

Anthropology - PhD ANTH-PHD Major GR PHD 60 45.0201
Anthropology, General

  Archeology - MA ARCH-MA Major GR MA 45.0301

Medical Anthropology - MA MEDANTH-MA Major GR MA 36 45.0201
Anthropology, General

  Urban Studies - MA URBSTDS-MA Major GR MA 45.0201
Anthropology, General

Biological Sciences Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Biological Sciences BIOL Subject 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
AP:Biological Sciences - BS
Accelerated Pathway: Biological Sciences - BA
BIOLSC-ABS Course of Study UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Biochemistry - BS BIOCHM-BS Major UG BS 120 26.0202

Biochemistry - PMJ BIOCHM-PMJ Pre-Major UG 26.0202
Biological Sciences - BA BIOLSC-BA Major UG BA 120 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General

Biological Sciences - BS BIOLSC-BS Major UG BS 120 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General

Biological Sciences - MN BIOLSC-MN Minor UG 25 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Biological Sciences - PMJ BIOLSC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
  Biology - BA BIOL-BA Major UG BA 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Biology - BS BIOL-BS Major UG BS 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Biology - MN BIOL-MN Minor UG 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Health Sciences - MN HLTHSCI-MN Minor UG 25 51.1102
Pre-Medicine/Pre-Medical Studies
Fall 2018
Neuroscience - MN NEUSCI-MN Minor UG 18 26.1501
Fall 2018
AP:Molecul and Cell Biol - AMA
Accelerated Pathway: Molecular and Cell Biology
BIOLSC-AMS Course of Study GR 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General
Molecular and Cell Biol - MA
Molecular and Cell Biology
BIOLSC-MA Major GR MA 36 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General

Molecular and Cell Biol - MS
Molecular and Cell Biology
BIOLSC-MS Major GR MS 36 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General

Molecular and Cell Biol - PhD
Molecular and Cell Biology
BIOLSC-PHD Major GR PHD 60 26.0101
Biology/Biological Sciences, General


Chemistry Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Chemistry CHEM Subject 40.0501
Chemistry, General
Chemistry - BA CHEM-BA Major UG BA 120 40.0501
Chemistry, General

Chemistry - BS CHEM-BS Major UG BS 120 40.0501
Chemistry, General

Chemistry - MN CHEM-MN Minor UG 17 40.0501
Chemistry, General
Chemistry - PMJ CHEM-PMJ Pre-Major UG 40.0501
Chemistry, General
  Environmental Chemistry - BS ENVCHEM-BS Major UG BS 122 03.0104
Environmental Science

  Environmental Chemistry - PMJ ENVCHE-PMJ Pre-Major UG 03.0104
Environmental Science
Chemistry - MS CHEM-MS Major GR MS 30 40.0501
Chemistry, General

Chemistry - PhD CHEM-PHD Major GR PHD 60 40.0501
Chemistry, General

Theory & Computa Chem - PhD
Theoretical and Computational Chemistry
CHEMTC-PHD Major GR PHD 66 40.0511
Theoretical Chemistry.

Fall 2017

Criminal Justice Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Criminal Justice CRIJ Subject

Dedman College I

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Medical/Dental-Pre-Professiona MEDENT-PPR Pre-Professional UG

Dedman College of Humanities and Sciences

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Dedman College Advanced Resear DCAR Subject 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  International Programs - Fees INPR Subject
  SMU Studies in Graz GRAZ Subject
Addtl Major Prev Earned BA MAJBA-DC Major UG MAJBA 24.0102
General Studies

Addtl Major Prev Earned BS MAJBS-DC Major UG MAJBS 24.0102
General Studies

  Comm Arts:TV/Radio-Premajor CCTR-PMJ Pre-Major UG 09.0701
Radio and Television
Non Major DCI NONMJ-DCI Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Undecided UNDEC-DCII Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Undecided DCI UNDEC-DCI Pre-Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Non Major Graduate NONMJ-GR Major GR 24.0102
General Studies
  Undecided GR UNDEC-GR Major GR 24.0102
General Studies

Earth Sciences Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Earth Sciences GEOL Subject 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General
  Geography GEOG Subject 45.0701
Only used as a cross reference prefix
ERSC Subject 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General
Earth Sciences - BA
Effective Fall 2020, new specializations: Environmental  
Studies and Geology.
EARTHSC-BA Major UG BA 120 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General

Fall 2019
Earth Sciences - BS
Effective Fall 2020, new specializations: Environmental & Resource Sciences, Geology, and Geophysics.
EARTHSC-BS Major UG BS 120 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General

Fall 2019
Earth Sciences - MN GEOL-MN Minor UG 17 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General
Earth Sciences - PMJ EARTHS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General
Enviromental Earth Scienc - MN
Environmental Earth Sciences
ENEASC-MN Minor UG 17 03.0104
Environmental Science
  Geological Sciences - MN GEOSCI-MN Minor UG
  Geology - BA
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019. Declared majors allowed to complete the program.
GEOL-BA Major UG BA 120 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General

Summer 2019
  Geology - BS
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019. Declared majors allowed to complete the program.
GEOL-BS Major UG BS 120 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General

Summer 2019
Geology - PMJ GEOL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General
  Geophysics - BS GEOPHY-BS Major UG BS 120 40.0603
Geophysics and Seismology

Summer 2019
  Geophysics - PMJ GEOPHY-PMJ Pre-Major UG 40.0603
Geophysics and Seismology
  Resource Geology - BS
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ENVGEOL-BS Major UG BS 122 03.0104
Environmental Science

Fall 2012
  Resource Geology - PMJ ENVGEO-PMJ Pre-Major UG 03.0103
Environmental Studies
Fall 2012
Applied Geophysics - MS APGEOP-MS Major GR MS 33 40.0603
Geophysics and Seismology

Geology - MS GEOL-MS Major GR MS 30 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General

Geology - PhD GEOL-PHD Major GR PHD 60 40.0601
Geology/Earth Science, General

Geophysics - MS GEOPHY-MS Major GR MS 30 40.0603
Geophysics and Seismology

Geophysics - PhD GEOPHY-PHD Major GR PHD 60 40.0603
Geophysics and Seismology


Economics Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Economics ECO Subject 45.0601
Economics, General
  Economics ECON Subject
  Legacy Park-Applied Economics LECO(SUBJ) Subject 45.0602
Applied Economics
AP:Economics - BA
Accelerated Pathway: Economics - BA
ECO-ABA Course of Study UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
AP:Economics - BS
Accelerated Pathway: Economics - BS
ECO-ABS Course of Study UG 45.0601
Economics, General
AP:Economics w/ Fina Appl - BS
Accelerated Pathway: Economics w/ Financial Applications - BS
ECOFIN-ABS Course of Study UG 45.0601
Economics, General
  Eco of Resourse Allocation-MN ECOREA-MN Minor UG
  Econometrics - MN
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019. Declared minors allowed to complete the program.
ECOMET-MN Minor UG 24 45.0603
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics
Summer 2019
  Economic Growth & Develop - MN
Economic Growth and Development
ECOGD-MN Minor UG 24 45.0699
Economics, Other
Economics - BA ECO-BA Major UG BA 120 45.0601
Economics, General

Economics - BS ECO-BS Major UG BS 120 45.0601
Economics, General

Economics - MN ECO-MN Minor UG 24 45.0601
Economics, General
Economics - PMJ ECO-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.0601
Economics, General
  Economics of Indust Org - MN
Economics of Industrial Organizations

Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECOINO-MN Minor UG 24 45.0699
Economics, Other
Economics w/ Fina Appl - BS
Economics with Finance Applications
ECOFIN-BS Major UG BS 120 45.0601
Economics, General

Economics w/ Fina Appl - PMJ
Economics with Finance Applications
ECOFIN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.0699
Economics, Other
  Economics w/ Syst Analy - BS
Economics with Systems Analysis

Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECOSYS-BS Major UG BS 122 45.0603
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics

  Economics w/ Systs Analy - PMJ
Economics with Systems Analysis
ECOSYS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.0699
Economics, Other
  Economics: Dec Making - MN
Economics of Decision Making

Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECODM-MN Minor UG 24 45.0699
Economics, Other
  International Economics - MN
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECOINTL-MN Minor UG 24 45.0605
International Economics
  Labor Economics - MN
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECOLBR-MN Minor UG 24 45.0699
Economics, Other
  Managerial Economics - MN MANECO-MN Minor UG 45.0699
Economics, Other
  Monetary Economics - MN
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECOMON-MN Minor UG 24 45.0699
Economics, Other
  Public Economics - MN
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019.
ECOPUBL-MN Minor UG 24 45.0699
Economics, Other
AP:Applied Economics - AMA APPECO-AMA Course of Study GR 45.0602
Applied Economics
AP:Economics - AMA ECO-AMA Course of Study GR 45.0601
Economics, General
App Eco & Pred Analyt - MSAEPA
Applied Economics and Predictive Analytics
AEP-MSAEPA Major GR MSAEPA 30 45.0603
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics

Fall 2013
Applied Economics - CRT APPECONC Certificate GR CAPPECON 12 45.0602
Applied Economics

Spring 2012
Applied Economics - MA APPECO-MA Major GR MA 30 45.0602
Applied Economics

Economics - MA ECO-MA Major GR MA 30 45.0603
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics

Economics - PhD ECO-PHD Major GR PHD 60 45.0603
Econometrics and Quantitative Economics


English as a Second Language Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
English as a Second Language ESL Subject 32.0109
Second Language Learning
ESL Studies - Non Certificate ESLN Preparation IEP 32.0109
Second Language Learning
Intensive English Train - SPC
Intensive English Training

Non-academic / non-degree.   
Certificate of completion recorded as a transcript note.
IEPG-CERT Specialization IEP 32.0109
Second Language Learning
Intensive English Train - SPC
Intensive English Training

Non-academic / non-degree.   
Certificate of completion recorded as a transcript note.
IEPU-CERT Specialization IEP 32.0109
Second Language Learning

English Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Comparative Literature CPLT Subject
Discernment & Discourse DISC Subject 23.1301
Writing, General.
English ENGL Subject 23.0101
English Language and Literature, General
Writing and Reasoning WRTR Subject 23.1301
Writing, General.
Fall 2020
English - BA ENGL-BA Major UG BA 120 23.0101
English Language and Literature, General

English - MN ENGL-MN Minor UG 15 23.0101
English Language and Literature, General
English - PMJ ENGL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 23.0101
English Language and Literature, General
English w/ Creat Wrt Spc - BA
English with a Creative Writing Specialization
ENGLCW-BA Major UG BA 120 23.1302
Creative Writing.

Summer 2023
English w/ Creat Wrt Spc - PMJ ENGLCW-PMJ Pre-Major UG 23.1302
Creative Writing.
English - MA ENGL-MA Major GR MA 30 23.0101
English Language and Literature, General

English - PhD ENGL-PHD Major GR PHD 60 23.0101
English Language and Literature, General


Ethnic Studies Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  African American Studies AFAM Subject 05.0201
African-American/Black Studies
  Urban Studies URB Subject
  African-American Studies - BA AFRAM-BA Major UG BA 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Ibero American Civilization-BA IBAMC-BA Major UG BA 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Ibero American Civilization-MN IBAMC-MN Minor UG
  Ibero American Studies - BA IBAMS-BA Major UG BA 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Ibero American Studies - MN IBAMS-MN Minor UG 05.0130
Spanish and Iberian Studies

Evening Degree Interdisciplinary Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Humanities - BH HUMN-BH Major UG BH 122 24.0103
Humanities/Humanistic Studies

  Humanities Undec-Premajor HUMUN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Social Sciences - BSS SOSC-BSS Major UG BSS 122 45.0101
Social Sciences, General

  Social Sciences Undec-Premajor SOSCUN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.0101
Social Sciences, General

General Education Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Capstone CAPS Subject
  Core CORE Subject
  Cultural Formations CF Subject 24.0103
Humanities/Humanistic Studies
  Cultural Formations A CFA Subject 24.0103
Humanities/Humanistic Studies
  Cultural Formations B CFB Subject 24.0103
Humanities/Humanistic Studies
  First Year Student Seminar FS Subject
  Liberal Studies LS Subject
  Ways of Knowing KNOW Subject 30.0000
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, General.

History Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
History HIST Subject 54.0101
History, General
  Digital Humanities - MN DH-MN Minor UG 15 30.5201
Digital Humanities and Textual Studies, General
Fall 2021
History - BA HIST-BA Major UG BA 120 54.0101
History, General

History - MN HIST-MN Minor UG 15 54.0101
History, General
History - PMJ HIST-PMJ Pre-Major UG 54.0101
History, General
History - MA HIST-MA Major GR MA 30 54.0101
History, General

History - PhD HIST-PHD Major GR PHD 48 54.0101
History, General


Human Rights Interdisciplinary Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Human Rights - BA HUMNR-BA Major UG BA 122 44.0504
International Policy Analysis.

  Human Rights - MN HUMNR-MN Minor UG 18 44.0504
International Policy Analysis.

Humanities Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Humanities HUM Subject 24.0103
Humanities/Humanistic Studies

Interdisciplinary Programs and Courses

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Classics CLAS Subject 16.1200
Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
Environmental Sciences ENSC Subject 03.0104
Environmental Science
Environmental Studies ENST Subject 03.0103
Environmental Studies
Ethnic Studies ETST Subject 05.0299
Ethnic, Cultural Minority, Gender, and Group Studies, Other
Human Rights HRTS Subject 44.0504
International Policy Analysis.
International Studies INTL Subject 30.2001
International/Globalization Studies
Jewish Studies JWST Subject 38.0206
Jewish/Judaic Studies
Fall 2015
Latin American & Iberian Stds
For transfer articulation only
LAAM Subject 05.0107
Latin American Studies
Medieval Studies MDVL Subject 30.1301
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Women's & Gender Studies WGST Subject 05.0207
Women's Studies
Africa/Middle East Stds - MN
Africa/Middle East Studies
AFRME-MN Minor UG 18 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
African/African-Amer Std - BA
African/African-American Studies
ETHAFR-BA Major UG BA 120 05.0201
African-American/Black Studies

  African/African-Amer Std - BS
African/African-American Studies
ETHAFR-BS Major UG BS 120 05.0201
African-American/Black Studies

Summer 2022
African/African-Amer Std - MN
African/African-American Studies
AFRAM-MN Minor UG 18 05.0201
African-American/Black Studies
African/African-Amer Std - PMJ
African/African-American Studies
ETHAFR-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0201
African-American/Black Studies
Asian Studies - MN ASNST-MN Minor UG 15 05.0103
Asian Studies/Civilization
Biophysical Sciences - BS BIOPHY-BS Major UG BS 122 26.0203

Fall 2016
Biophysical Sciences - PMJ BIOPHY-PMJ Pre-Major UG 26.0203
Fall 2016
Classical Studies - MN CLAS-MN Minor UG 18 16.1200
Classics and Classical Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics, General
  Environmental Sciences - BS
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019. Declared majors allowed to complete the program.
ENVSCI-BS Major UG BS 120 03.0104
Environmental Science

Summer 2019
Environmental Sciences - PMJ ENVSC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 03.0104
Environmental Science
  Environmental Studies - BA
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019. Declared majors allowed to complete the program.
ENVSTD-BA Major UG BA 120 03.0103
Environmental Studies

May 2020
  Environmental Studies - PMJ
Inactive for new entry Fall 2019. Declared majors allowed to complete the program.
ENVSTD-PMJ Pre-Major UG 03.0103
Environmental Studies
Summer 2019
European Studies - MN EUROST-MN Minor UG 15 05.0106
European Studies/Civilization
Human Rights - BA HMRTS-BA Major UG BA 120 44.0504
International Policy Analysis.

Spring 2012
Human Rights - MN HMRTS-MN Minor UG 18 44.0504
International Policy Analysis.
Human Rights - PMJ HMRTS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 44.0504
International Policy Analysis.
Individual Stds Lib Arts - BA
Individualized Studies in Liberal Arts

Topic of study for the major added as a transcript note
INDSTD-BA Major UG BA 120 30.9999
Multi-/Interdisciplinary Studies, Other

Individual Stds Lib Arts - PMJ
Individualized Studies in the Liberal Arts
INDSTD-PMJ Pre-Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
International Studies - BA INTLST-BA Major UG BA 120 30.2001
International/Globalization Studies

International Studies - MN INTLST-MN Minor UG 15 30.2001
International/Globalization Studies
International Studies - PMJ INTLST-PMJ Pre-Major UG 30.2001
International/Globalization Studies
Jewish Studies - MN JWST-MN Minor UG 15 38.0206
Jewish/Judaic Studies
Fall 2015
Latin Amer & Iberian Stds - MN
Latin American and Iberian Studies
LAAM-MN Minor UG 15 05.0107
Latin American Studies
Medieval Studies - BA MDVL-BA Major UG BA 120 30.1301
Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Medieval Studies - MN MDVL-MN Minor UG 15 30.1301
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Medieval Studies - PMJ MDVL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 30.1301
Medieval and Renaissance Studies
Mexican-American Studies - BA ETHMEX-BA Major UG BA 120 05.0203
Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies

  Mexican-American Studies - BS ETHMEX-BS Major UG BS 120 05.0203
Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies

Summer 2022
Mexican-American Studies - MN MEXAMR-MN Minor UG 19 05.0203
Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies
Mexican-American Studies - PMJ ETHMEX-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0203
Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, and Mexican-American/Chicano Studies
Natural Sciences - MN
Inactive for new entry Fall 2018. Replaced by Health Sciences minor in Biology Dpt.
NATSC-MN Minor UG 30 03.0101
Natural Resources/Conservation, General
  Natural Sciences - PMJ NSCIUN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 03.0101
Natural Resources/Conservation, General
Public Policy - BA PPOL-BA Major UG BA 120 44.0501
Public Policy Analysis, General

Public Policy - PMJ PPOL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 44.0501
Public Policy Analysis, General
Women's & Gender Studies - MN WMST-MN Minor UG 15 05.0207
Women's Studies
Medieval Studies - MA MDVL-MA Major GR MA 30 30.1301
Medieval and Renaissance Studies

Women/Gender Placeholder WGS-DC Certificate GR 05.0207
Women's Studies
Women's & Gender Stud - CRT
Women's and Gender Studies
WMSTC Certificate GR CWS 15 05.0207
Women's Studies


International & Area Studies Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Ibero-American Studies IBAM Subject
  Latin Amer & Iberian Stds - BA
Latin American and Iberian Studies
LAAM-BA Major UG BA 122 05.0107
Latin American Studies

  Latin Amer & Iberian Stds-Prem LAAM-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0107
Latin American Studies
  Latin American Studies - MA LAAM-MA Major GR MA 05.0107
Latin American Studies

Learning Enhancement Center

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Learning Enhancement Center LEC Subject 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
  Learning Enhancement Center LES Subject
  Oracle ORAC Subject
  Reading Center RDCN Subject

Mathematics Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Mathematics MATH Subject 27.0101
Mathematics, General
  Applied Mathematics - MN APMATH-MN Minor UG 27.0301
Applied Mathematics, General
  Mathematical Sciences - BS MATHSCI-BS Major UG BS 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Mathematics - BA MATH-BA Major UG BA 120 27.0101
Mathematics, General

Mathematics - BS MATH-BS Major UG BS 120 27.0101
Mathematics, General

Mathematics - MN MATH-MN Minor UG 18 27.0101
Mathematics, General
Mathematics - PMJ MATH-PMJ Pre-Major UG 27.0101
Mathematics, General
  Applied Mathematics - MS APMATH-MS Major GR MS 27.0301
Applied Mathematics, General
Comp & Applied Math - MS
Computational and Applied Mathematics
CAMATH-MS Major GR MS 33 27.0304
Computational and Applied Mathematics.

Comp & Applied Math - PhD
Computational and Applied Mathematics
CAMATH-PHD Major GR PHD 60 27.0304
Computational and Applied Mathematics.

  Mathematics - MA MATH-MA Major GR MA 27.0101
Mathematics, General
  Mathematics - PhD MATH-PHD Major GR PHD 27.0301
Applied Mathematics, General

NonDegree Studies

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Non Major NONMJ-DCII Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other

Philosophy Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Legacy Pk-Applied Philosophy PHGY Subject 38.0101
Philosophy PHIL Subject 38.0101
Cognitive Science - MN COGSCI-MN Minor UG 15 30.2501
Cognitive Science, General
Ethics - MN ETHC-MN Minor UG 15 38.0103
Philosophy - BA PHIL-BA Major UG BA 120 38.0101

Philosophy - MN PHIL-MN Minor UG 15 38.0101
Philosophy - PMJ PHIL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 38.0101

Physics Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Physics PHYS Subject 40.0801
Physics, General
Physics - BA PHYS-BA Major UG BA 120 40.0801
Physics, General

Physics - BS
Effective Fall 2021, new specialization: Cosmology and
PHYS-BS Major UG BS 120 40.0801
Physics, General

Physics - MN PHYS-MN Minor UG 17 40.0801
Physics, General
Physics - PMJ PHYS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 40.0801
Physics, General
Physics - MS PHYS-MS Major GR MS 30 40.0801
Physics, General

Physics - PhD PHYS-PHD Major GR PHD 60 40.0801
Physics, General


Political Science Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Government GOVT Subject
Political Science PLSC Subject 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
Public Policy PP Subject 44.0501
Public Policy Analysis, General
Public Policy&Interntl Affairs PPIA Subject 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
Spring 2015
Law & Legal Reasoning - MN
Law and Legal Reasoning
LAWLGLR-MN Minor UG 18 22.0000
Legal Studies
Spring 2013
PLSC: General - MN
Political Science - General
PLSCGN-MN Minor UG 18 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
PLSC: Political Thought - MN
Political Science - Political Thought
PLSCPT-MN Minor UG 18 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
PLSC:Am Politics, Law&Adm - MN
Political Science - American Politics, Law and Administration
PLSCAP-MN Minor UG 18 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
PLSC:Comparative&Intl Polit-MN
Political Science - Comparative and International Studies
PLSCCI-MN Minor UG 18 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
Political Science - BA PLSC-BA Major UG BA 120 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General

  Political Science - BS PLSC-BS Major UG BS 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General

  Political Science - MN PLSC-MN Minor UG 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
Political Science - PMJ PLSC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.1001
Political Science and Government, General
Public Policy & Intl Affa - MN
Public Policy and International Affairs
PPIA-MN Minor UG 15 44.0599
Public Policy Analysis, Other.
Fall 2014

Psychology Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Applied Psychology APSY(SUBJ) Subject 42.0101
Psychology, General
Psychology PSYC Subject 42.0101
Psychology, General
AP:Psychology - BA
Accelerated Pathway: Psychology - BA
PSYC-ABA Course of Study UG 42.0101
Psychology, General
Summer 2023
AP:Psychology - BS
Accelerated Pathway: Psychology - BS
PSYC-ABS Course of Study UG 42.0101
Psychology, General
Summer 2023
Psychology - BA PSYC-BA Major UG BA 120 42.0101
Psychology, General

Psychology - BS PSYC-BS Major UG BS 120 42.0101
Psychology, General

Fall 2016
Psychology - MN PSYC-MN Minor UG 18 42.0101
Psychology, General
Psychology - PMJ PSYC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 42.0101
Psychology, General
  AP:Orgazinational Psych - AMS
Accelerated Pathway: Organizational Psychology
ORGPSY-AMS Course of Study GR 42.2804
Industrial and Organizational Psychology.
Summer 2023
  Clinical & Counseling Psyc -MA CLCOPS-MA Major GR MA 36 42.2801
Clinical Psychology.

  Counseling Psychology - MA COUNPSY-MA Major GR MA 42.0601
Counseling Psychology

Organizational Psychology – MS ORGPSYC-MS Major GR MS 36 42.2804
Industrial and Organizational Psychology.

Fall 2019
Psychology - MA PSYC-MA Major GR MA 36 42.0101
Psychology, General

Psychology - PhD PSYC-PHD Major GR PHD 70 42.2801
Clinical Psychology.

Quantitative Methods - MNGR
Only available for Psychology PhD program.
QTMTH-MN Minor GR 24 42.1901
Psychometrics and Quantitative Psychology
May Term 2016

Religious Studies Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Religious Studies RELI Subject 38.0201
Religion/Religious Studies
Religious Studies - BA
Effective Fall 2021, new specializations: Asian Religions, Christian Tradition, and Religion and Culture.
RELI-BA Major UG BA 120 38.0201
Religion/Religious Studies

Religious Studies - MN RELI-MN Minor UG 15 38.0201
Religion/Religious Studies
Religious Studies - PMJ RELI-PMJ Pre-Major UG 38.0201
Religion/Religious Studies
Religious Studies - MA RELI-MA Major GR MA 30 38.0201
Religion/Religious Studies

Religious Studies - PhD RELI-PHD Major GR PHD 60 38.0201
Religion/Religious Studies


Science Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Science SCI Subject 30.1501
Science, Technology and Society

Social Sciences Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Social Sciences SSC Subject 45.0101
Social Sciences, General

Sociology Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Sociology SOCI Subject 45.1101
Sociology, General
  Criminal Justice - BA CRMJUS-BA Major UG BA 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Markets & Culture - BA
Markets and Culture
MKCL-BA Major UG BA 120 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other

Markets & Culture - PMJ
Markets and Culture
MKCL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
Sociology - BA SOCI-BA Major UG BA 120 45.1101
Sociology, General

Sociology - BS SOCI-BS Major UG BS 120 45.1101
Sociology, General

Sociology - MN SOCI-MN Minor UG 15 45.1101
Sociology, General
Sociology - PMJ SOCI-PMJ Pre-Major UG 45.1101
Sociology, General

Southwest Studies Center

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Southwest Studies SWST Subject 05.0199
Area Studies, Other
  Southwest Studies - BA SWST-BA Major UG BA 05.0199
Area Studies, Other

  Southwest Studies - MN SWST-MN Minor UG 05.0199
Area Studies, Other
  Southwest Studies - Premajor SWST-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0199
Area Studies, Other

Statistics and Data Science Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
Statistical Science STAT Subject 27.0501
Statistics, General
Statistics & Data Science Dept DS Subject 30.7001
Data Science, General
Spring 2019
AP:Statistical Science - BS
Accelerated Pathway: Statistical Science - BS
STATSC-ABS Course of Study UG 27.0501
Statistics, General
Data Science - BS DATASCI-BS Major UG BS 122+ 30.7001
Data Science, General

Fall 2020
Data Science - MN DATASCI-MN Minor UG 24 30.7001
Data Science, General
Fall 2020
Data Science - PMJ DATASC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 30.7001
Data Science, General
Fall 2020
Statistical Science - BS STATSC-BS Major UG BS 120 27.0501
Statistics, General

Statistical Science - MN STATSC-MN Minor UG 15 27.0501
Statistics, General

Statistical Science - PMJ STATSC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 27.0501
Statistics, General
  Statistics - MN STAT-MN Minor UG 27.0501
Statistics, General
AP:Statistical Science - AMS STATSC-AMS Course of Study GR 27.0501
Statistics, General
Appl Stats & Data Anlytcs - MS
Applied Statistics and Data Analytics
APSTATD-MS Major GR MS 30+ 27.0501
Statistics, General

Fall 2012
Biostatistics - PhD BIOSTA-PHD Major GR PHD 60 26.1102

Fall 2014
Data Science - PhD DS-PHD Major GR PHD 60 30.7001
Data Science, General
Fall 2023
Statistical Science - MS STATSC-MS Major GR MS 36 27.0501
Statistics, General

Statistical Science - PhD STATSC-PHD Major GR PHD 60 27.0501
Statistics, General

  Statistics - MS STAT-MS Major GR MS 27.0501
Statistics, General
  Business Analytics-Certificate DASCBA-CRT Certificate RSGS GRCE 9 30.7001
Data Science, General
Fall 2023
Data Science - MSDS DASC-MSDS Major RSGS MSDS 31 30.7001
Data Science, General

Spring 2015
Data Science - Non-Degree DASC-ND Major RSGS 11.0401
Information Science/Studies
Data Science - Non-Degree CAPE DASCNC Major RSGS 11.0401
Information Science/Studies
Data Science-Certificate DASCDS-CRT Certificate RSGS GRCE 9 30.7001
Data Science, General
Fall 2023
Decision Analytics-Certificate DASCDA-CRT Certificate RSGS GRCE 9 30.7001
Data Science, General
Machine Learning-CRT DASCML-CRT Certificate RSGS GRCE 9 30.7001
Data Science, General
Fall 2023

Women's & Gender Studies Program

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
  Women's Studies WS Subject 05.0207
Women's Studies

World Languages and Literatures Department

Description Code Type Career Degree / Certificate Min Hrs CIP Info Discpl. Color Begin Term End Term
American Sign Language ASL Subject 16.1601
American Sign Language (ASL)
Arabic ARBC Subject 16.1101
Arabic Language and Literature
Chinese CHIN Subject 16.0301
Chinese Language and Literature
Danish DNSH Subject 16.0503
Danish Language and Literature
  Error HINDU Subject
  Foreign Languages FL Subject 16.0101
Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
French FREN Subject 16.0901
French Language and Literature
German GERM(SUBJ) Subject 16.0501
German Language and Literature
Greek GRE Subject 16.0601
Modern Greek Language and Literature
  Hebrew HEBR Subject 16.1102
Hebrew Language and Literature
  Hindi HIN Subject 16.0101
Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
Fall 2013
Italian ITAL Subject 16.0902
Italian Language and Literature
Japanese JAPN Subject 16.0302
Japanese Language and Literature
Language - Other Foreign LANG Subject 16.0101
Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
Latin LATN Subject 16.1203
Latin Language and Literature
  Portuguese PORT Subject
Russian RUSS Subject 05.0110
Russian Studies
Spanish SPAN Subject 16.0905
Spanish Language and Literature
World Languages WLAN Subject 16.0101
Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
World Languages & Literatures WL Subject 16.0101
Foreign Languages and Literatures, General
Arabic - MN ARBC-MN Minor UG 18 16.1101
Arabic Language and Literature
Chinese - MN CHIN-MN Minor UG 17 16.0301
Chinese Language and Literature
  Foreign Languages - BA FL-BA Major UG BA 24.0199
Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Other
French - BA FREN-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0901
French Language and Literature

French - MN FREN-MN Minor UG 20 16.0901
French Language and Literature
French - PMJ FREN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0901
French Language and Literature
French Studies - BA FRENST-BA Major UG BA 120 05.0124
French Studies

Fall 2016
French Studies - PMJ FRENST-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0124
French Studies
Fall 2016
German - BA GERM-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0501
German Language and Literature

Summer 2021
German - MN GERM-MN Minor UG 18 16.0501
German Language and Literature
German - PMJ GERM-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0501
German Language and Literature
  German Area Studies - BA GMST-BA Major UG BA 05.0125
German Studies
  German Area Studies - MN GMST-MN Minor UG 05.0125
German Studies
  German Area Studies-Premajor GMST-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0199
Area Studies, Other
International Film Studie - MN
International Film Studies
IFS-MN Minor UG 18 50.0601
Film/Cinema/Media Studies
Fall 2019
Italian - MN ITAL-MN Minor UG 20 16.0902
Italian Language and Literature
  Italian Area Studies - BA ITALAS-BA Major UG BA 122 05.0126
Italian Studies

Italian Area Studies - MN ITALAS-MN Minor UG 20 05.0126
Italian Studies
  Italian Area Studies-Premajor ITALAS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0126
Italian Studies

  Italian-Premajor ITAL-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0902
Italian Language and Literature
Japanese - MN JAPN-MN Minor UG 17 16.0302
Japanese Language and Literature
  Japanese Area Studies - MN JAPNAS-MN Minor UG 05.0199
Area Studies, Other
Latin - MN LATIN-MN Minor UG 18 16.1203
Latin Language and Literature
  Linguistics - MN LNG-MN Minor UG
  Russian - BA RUSS-BA Major UG BA 16.0402
Russian Language and Literature
  Russian - MN RUSS-MN Minor UG 05.0110
Russian Studies
  Russian - Premajor RUSS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0110
Russian Studies
  Russian Area Studies - BA RUSSAS-BA Major UG BA 05.0110
Russian Studies
Russian Area Studies - MN RUSSAS-MN Minor UG 15 05.0110
Russian Studies
  Russian Area Studies -Premajor RUSSAS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 05.0110
Russian Studies
Spanish - BA SPAN-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0905
Spanish Language and Literature

Spanish - MN SPAN-MN Minor UG 18 16.0905
Spanish Language and Literature
Spanish - PMJ SPAN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0905
Spanish Language and Literature
WL: Arabic - BA
World Languages - Arabic
FLARBC-BA Major UG BA 120 16.1101
Arabic Language and Literature
WL: Arabic - PMJ
World Languages - Arabic
FLARBC-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.1101
Arabic Language and Literature
WL: Chinese - BA
World Languages - Chinese
FLCHIN-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0301
Chinese Language and Literature

Fall 2015
WL: Chinese - PMJ
World Languages - Chinese
FLCHIN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0301
Chinese Language and Literature
Fall 2015
WL: French - BA
World Languages - French
FLFREN-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0901
French Language and Literature

WL: French - PMJ
World Languages - French
FLFREN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0901
French Language and Literature
WL: German - BA
World Languages - German
FLGERM-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0501
German Language and Literature

WL: German - PMJ
World Languages - German
FLGERM-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0501
German Language and Literature
WL: Italian - BA
World Languages - Italian
FLITA-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0902
Italian Language and Literature

Fall 2015
WL: Italian - PMJ
World Languages - Italian
FLITA-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0902
Italian Language and Literature
Fall 2015
WL: Russian - BA
World Languages - Russian
FLRUSS-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0402
Russian Language and Literature
WL: Russian - PMJ
World Languages - Russian
FLRUSS-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0402
Russian Language and Literature
WL: Spanish - BA
World Languages - Spanish
FLSPAN-BA Major UG BA 120 16.0905
Spanish Language and Literature

WL: Spanish - PMJ
World Languages - Spanish
FLSPAN-PMJ Pre-Major UG 16.0905
Spanish Language and Literature