Michael van Breda Cox School of Business 2012
Michael van Breda, Associate Professor of Accounting in Cox
School of Business, joined the SMU faculty in 1981 after earning
his Ph.D. degree from Stanford University. He served as chair of
the Cox School's Accounting, Business Law and Tax Department
from 1986-1991. He also chaired several Faculty Senate
committees. He has been honored with the Willis M. Tate Award,
the Golden Mustang Outstanding Faculty Award and the University
Teacher-Scholar of the Year Award. He is highly respected as an
accounting historian and expert on accounting theory and has
published many articles and cases. Professor van Breda's
signature contribution to academia is the book titled
Accounting Theory, co-authored with Eldon Hendrickson, which
has helped a generation of accounting academics understand the
conceptual underpinnings of financial reporting and has
significantly influenced the research, teaching and practice of
accounting. He retires as Professor Emeritus of