Question 11:

You receive a phone call asking to verify: 1) a currently enrolled student attended your institution, 2) what his address was at the time of attendance, 3) his degree received, and 4) his GPA. According to FERPA, you can verify all of these except the student's:

  attendance at the institution
  address during the time of attendance
  degree received



Release of the student's GPA without the student's express, written permission is forbidden under FERPA. A student's dates of attendance, degree received, and address on file with the University are all considered directory information by SMU. Directory information may be released to third parties unless the student has restricted his or her directory information with the institution.

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Correct Answer is D

Release of the student's GPA without the student's express, written permission is forbidden under FERPA. A student's dates of attendance, date of birth, and address on file with the University are all considered directory information by SMU. Directory information may be released to third parties unless the student has restricted his or her directory information with the institution.

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