Welcome To ASMD@D - The Somewhat Different Conference

28th Austin Symposium on Molecular Structure and Dynamics at Dallas (ASMD@D)

February 17-20, 2023 in Dallas, Texas, USA

For more than 50 years the ASMDs (see Previous Programs) have been important gathering points for internationally recognized experts, researchers, and students working in structural chemistry, molecular spectroscopy, molecular dynamics, and computational chemistry. Presenting and discussing novel methods and techniques, unusual molecular structures and their chemical reactions, ASMDs have often been the incubator of new research projects, and have in more than one occasion initialized work recognized by the Nobel Committee in Stockholm (see History).

Dieter Cremer 2016

In 2012, the ASMD moved to Dallas, Texas, and became the ASMD at Dallas (ASMD@D). It is organized by the Computational and Theoretical Chemistry Group (CATCO) at the Southern Methodist University (SMU).

The 27th annual symposium was dedicated in memoriam of Dieter Cremer (1944 - 2017), who served as the Chairman of the 2012, 2014, and 2016 ASMD@D meetings. Dieter Cremer vitalized the symposia with many new ideas and inspired countless scientific discussions. His scientific accomplishments were honored in a special issue of Molecular Physics, Volume 117, (9-12), 1047-1538 (2019), collecting 45 articles.

In 2023, the 28th ASMD@D will be held on the beautiful Southern Methodist University (SMU) campus.

The number of plenary speakers, invited lecturers, and poster sessions will be similar to those of previous ASMDs.

The ASMD@D 2023 will be organized in the spirit of previous symposia:

  • Listen and discuss
  • Meet international experts
  • No parallel sessions
  • A place where important interdisciplinary work can start
  • A place where new positions can be found

ASMD@Ds offer ample time for listening to colleagues, getting inspired, informed, and engaged in scientific discussions, so that the seed of future interdisciplinary projects can be laid. In aid of this, there are no parallel sessions.

ASMD@Ds are international rather than national or local meetings. As in previous years, the organizers will invite a number of internationally recognized speakers from the broader area of structural chemistry, spectroscopy, molecular dynamics, and computational chemistry.

We will also attempt to attract a number of younger colleagues and students. ASMD@D 2023 will be an excellent platform for younger scientists to establish contacts and lay the basis for future postdoctoral or academic positions. A detailed schedule will be worked out in the coming months.

We look forward to seeing you in February 2023!

Elfi Kraka on behalf of the Organizers

Conference Theme

Spectroscopy Meets Theory

Conference Mottos

Listen and Discuss

Listen and Discuss

No Parallel Sessions

No Parallel Sessions

International Speakers

International Speakers

Plenary Speakers 2023

  • Professor Luis Carlos

    Optical Materials and Nanothermometry
    Luis Carlos
  • Professor Franz Geiger

    Laser Spectroscopy and Environmental Interfaces
    Franz Geiger
  • Professor Thomas Giesen

    Laser Spectroscopy and Astronomy
    Thomas Giesen
  • Professor Cristina Puzzarini

    Theoretical Chemistry; Rotational Spectroscopy and Astrophysics
    Cristina Puzzarini
  • Professor Joachim Sauer

    Theoretical Chemistry; Surface Science and Catalysis
    Joachim Sauer
  • Professor Lu Wei

    Spectroscopy, Chemical Biology and Life Sciences
    Lu Wei
  • Professor Lucy Ziurys

    Radio and Millimeter Astronomy, Molecular Astrophysics
    Lucy Ziurys


  • SMU
  • SMU
  • ACS
  • Lyda Hill Philanthropies
  • Aspen Systems
  • Mark III Systems
  • Nvidia
  • Texas Instruments
  • Gaussian
  • International Journal of Quantum Chemistry